This is a huge deal and a momentous development for transgender youth! Call me an idealist, but perhaps, just perhaps, we can move away from the bathroom as the flashpoint in the transgender community’s fight to be heard and to be seen equally in our society…read article at LGBTQ Nation
This piece by Jack Turban in Scientific American does a wonderful job of speaking to how the research community must evolve in developing and fielding scientifically sound research – free from inherent biases – into the origins of gender identity.
For far too long transgender adults and children have been seen as needing to be “fixed” in some way so that we can become contributing members of society. Fifteen years ago, before I could have my gender reassignment surgery, I had to be clinically diagnosed as suffering from gender identity disorder. I am many things, but disordered is most definitely not one of them.
The reality is, my trans brothers and sisters and I are already a bold and beautiful part of society, we do not need one-sided or prejudicial research to conclude something to the contrary. As the author points out, “What good science shows us is that when we accept transgender people, they thrive. . . It’s time to celebrate that and move on.” And to that, I say, Amen…read more
Will this epidemic of senseless violence ever stop? Will we ever have a Transgender Day of Remembrance service WITHOUT any new names being read? Trans people of all stripes are not disposable. We are human beings and it is our humanity that unites us with each other and our world. We need our allies to stand with us and demand justice or these horrific acts will continue…read more at
Although written for healthcare professionals, the concepts of misgendering and microaggressions are universal in that their occurrence cuts across all businesses – regardless of size – and industry segment.
Please remember this: pronouns may be among the smallest words in the English language, but when used incorrectly they can and do cut like a knife…read more
I absolutely love this story, which to be quite candid, connects so well with what PFLAG National/Straight for Equality was founded on – a parent’s love for their LGBTQ+ child. Sometimes the hardest thing a parent can do is let their child lead…read more