Americans approve of LGBTQ+ people living as they wish, but their support drops for trans people…

So much progress, but yet there is still so much to do . . . Especially for my community. As I read this very comprehensive piece I could not get past the fact that so much of the hate and vitriol put forth by those that seek to eradicate trans people are by those that have never actually met a trans person. I have often said, “just give me ten minutes, and I’ll pry open the door to understanding.” My deep concern is that I’m not so sure that I can even get that amount of time anymore. As one of the queer folks quoted in the story so eloquently said, “We’re not scary. We’re not anything. We’re just like you. We’re all different.” I continue to have hope that as more and more generations of #trans and #nonbinary people come out and tell their stories to the world that a greater level of understanding and acceptance can be achieved. Our stories are more powerful than perhaps we realize.  Read Article